Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Dividend Paying Small Caps

I have bought and I follow a number of dividend paying small cap stocks. Small caps have a greater opportunity to grow than large cap stocks. For example when I bought Computer Modelling Group Ltd. (TSX-CMG) in 2008, the market cap was 155M. Today its market cap is $956.5M.

Not all small cap stocks are successful. For example I bought Automodular Corp (TSXV-AM.H) in 2012. Then it was worth $45.8M. Now it is worth $34.4M and it has cut it dividends.

Below are the stocks I have and follow that are dividend paying small caps. They are all under $200M market cap.

From my Portfolio:

Calian Technologies Ltd. (TSX-CTY) $118M
Goodfellow Inc. (TSX-GDL) $75.4M
Hammond Power Solutions Inc. (TSX-HPS.A) $58.3M
McCoy Global (TSX-MCB) $83.7M

From Stocks I follow:

Chesswood Group (TSX-CHW) $78M
IBI Group Inc. (TSX-IBG) $33M
PFB Corp (TSX-PFB) $61M
Savaria Corporation (TSX-SIS) $163M

I also have and follow another 19 dividend paying stocks that are under $500M in market cap. Reitmans is here because it is in financial trouble and I am having some fun with it.

From my Portfolio:

Ag Growth International (TSX-AFN) $471M
Melcor Developments Inc. (TSX-MRD) $490M
Reitmans (Canada) Ltd. (TSX-RET.A) $278M

From Stocks I follow:

Absolute Software Corporation (TSX-ABT) $344M
AGF Management Ltd (TSX-AGF.B) $429M
Andrew Peller Ltd (TSX-ADW.A) $258M
Atlantic Power Corp (TSX-ATP) $308M
Canexus Corporation (TSX-CUS) $208M

Canyon Services Group (TSX-FRC) $334M
DirectCash Payments Inc. (TSX-DCI) $223M
High Liner Foods (TSX-HLF) $413M
HNZ Group Inc. (TSX-HNZ.A) $206M
K-Bro Linen Inc. (TSX-KBL) $378M

Keg Royalties Income Fund (TSX-KEG.UN) $201M
Newfoundland Capital Corp (TSX-NCC.A) $304M
Penn West Petroleum (TSX-PWT) $423M
Rogers' Sugar (TSX-RSI) $379
Wajax Corp (TSX-WJX) $360

WiLan Inc. (TSX-WIN) $294

On my other blog I am today writing about Kombat Copper Inc. (TSX-KBT, OTC-PNTZF) ... continue...

This blog is meant for educational purposes only, and is not to provide investment advice. Before making any investment decision, you should always do your own research or consult an investment professional. I do research for my own edification and I am willing to share. I write what I think and I may or may not be correct.

See my site for an index to these blog entries and for stocks followed. Follow me on Twitter.

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