I thought I would also put out there what newsletters I get and what blogs I look at.
I get a weekly email called Daily Buy/Sell Advisor from MPL Communications. You can go to their site to sign up for this email. From their site you can also get free investment newsletters and view investment topics. You can also try out their newsletters at some very good rates. I especially like the Investment Reporter. They have just recently redesigned their site.
I subscribe to a few email newsletters from John Mauldin's company of Mauldin Economics. I subscribe to all his emails including Thoughts from the Frontline; Pat Cox's Tech Digest Weekly; to the email called Outside the Box and to the email from Grant Williams called Things That Make You Go Hmmm.
I also subscribe to a number of newsletters to do with investing. These include emails such as the one's from Ben Hunt called Epsilon Theory. This newsletter is sort about investing, but Ben is long on theories and does not talk much about particular stocks. I also get regular emails from John Stephen's Stephen's Files. These emails talk about the markets in general and sometimes about particular stocks. I also get emails from CanTech and these talk about tech stocks. (For CanTech newsletter sign up look to the bottom left of the site.)
And for something completely different, I subscribe to emails from
Stratfor Global Intelligence which is a Geopolitical newsletter. Another one I subscribe to is Russian Direct which basically talks about Russian views on current events.
For a number of blogs I like, go to my investment notes. These bloggers include Dividend Ninja; The Loonie Bin; My Own Advisor; Dividend Monk; The Dividend Guy; and
The Passive Income Earner.
On my other blog I am today writing about Fortis Inc. (TSX-FTS, OTC- FRTSF) ...continue...
This blog is meant for educational purposes only, and is not to provide investment advice. Before making any investment decision, you should always do your own research or consult an investment professional. See my website for stocks followed and investment notes. Follow me on twitter.
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